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The cross-reactivity of the enterovirus 71 to human brain tissue and identificat

2013年07月05日 来源:

Virol J. 2010 Feb 22;7:47. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-7-47.

      The cross-reactivity of the enterovirus 71 to human brain tissue and identification of the cross-reactivity related fragments.

Jia CS, Liu JN, Li WB, Ma CM, Lin SZ, Hao Y, Gao XZ, Liu XL, Xu YF, Zhang LF, Qin C.

      Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health, Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) & Comparative Medicine Centre, Peking Union Medical Collage (PUMC), Chao Yang Strict, Pan Jia Yuan Nan Li No,5, Beijing 100021, PR China.


      BACKGROUND: EV71 occasionally cause a series of severe neurological symptoms, including aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, and poliomyelitis-like paralysis. However, the neurological destruction mechanism was remained to be clarified. This study described the cross reaction between EV71 induced IgG and human brain tissue. RESULTS: Cross reaction of the IgG from 30 EV71 infected patients' sera to human tissues of cerebra was observed, which suggested that some EV71 antigens could induce IgG cross-reactivity to human cerebra. To identify the regions of EV71 virus that containing above antigens, the polypeptide of virus was divided into 19 peptides by expression in prokaryotes cell. Mouse anti-sera of these peptides was prepared and applied in immunohistochemical staining with human adult and fetus brain tissue, respectively. The result indicated the 19 peptides can be classified into three groups: strong cross-reactivity, weak cross-reactivity and no cross-reactivity with human brain tissue according the cross reaction activity. Then, the increased Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) permeability and permits IgG entry in neonatal mice after EV71 infection was determined. CONCLUSION: EV71 induced IgG could enter BBB and cross-reacted with brain tissue in EV71 infected neonatal mice, and then the peptides of EV71 that could induce cross-reactivity with brain tissue were identified, which should be avoided in future vaccine designing.

