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研究所成功举行Elsevier's editorial workshop

2018年11月30日 来源:

  11月09日上午,瑞士联邦理工学院神经科学家Gregoire Courtine、法国波多尔大学神经退行性研究所所长 Erwan Bezard 以及Elsevier出版社高级出版商Shamus O’Reilly等一行四人来我所进行参观交流,并举行了Elsevier's editorial workshop。科技处高苒处长主持会议,研究所刘江宁副所长发表欢迎致辞。报告也吸引了来自中国医学科学院、北京大学、CDC等其他所院的师生们共同出席。

  Gregoire Courtine教授从自己发表的文章入手,讲解了他写文章的思路和步骤,以及他在文章发表过程中遇到的问题和经验。Erwan Bezard教授作为知名杂志编委,向大家介绍了编辑和同行评审在审阅文章时候关注的重点问题,以及文章发表技巧。Shamus O’Reilly先生作为Elsevier出版社高级出版商,跟大家分享了Elsevier出版社的旗下杂志、团队和近年来全球在医学领域文章发表情况,以及中国发表文章情况。报告结束后,多位师生就自己感兴趣的问题与三位嘉宾进行了提问交流,让大家对发表高水平文章的技巧和方法有了一个初步而又全面的了解。


Erwan Bezard

INSERM Research Director, has authored or co-authored over 250 professional publications in the field of neurobiology, most of which are on Parkinson's disease and related disorders. Listed in the Top 1% of the most cited neuroscientists , he is known for his work on the compensatory mechanisms that mask the progression Parkinson's disease and on the pathophysiology of levodopa-induced dyskinesia, the intimate mechanisms of cell death in Parkinson’s disease, the modelling of disease progression and the development of new strategies to alleviate symptoms and/or to slow disease progression.

Dr Shamus Jonathan O’Reilly

PhD graduate from University of Oxford, with 14 years’ experience in in scientific, technical, and

medical (STM) publishing. I am responsible for the development of portfolio of journals in line

with the strategy, content development with a strong connection to the academic community. 

Grégoire Courtine

PhD graduate from University of Bourgogne. Now he is working at Center for Neuroprosthetics and Brain Mind Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and focuses on the spinal cord injury. The brain-spine interface created by his lab can transmit nerve signals from the brain to the spine. The system restored the activity of monkey with spinal cord injury within six days successfully.The research was published in Nature and he was invited to address TED Talk.
